Hajj 2015 Forms details
Singapore Java Openings:
People who change can have 3 fates,which is clearly illustrated by the following quotation :
“People who change after change,will survive,
People who change with the change,will succeed,
People who cause the change,will lead.”
- By Sis Madiha ( Islamic Studies Coordinator ) Al Hoda Int'l School , Kolkata
Burooj Realization :: Milky Way 2015 Newsletter
Dear All,
There is a vacancy available for a SQL Server Administrator (SQL Server 2008 R2) in a reputed company in Saudi Arabia
Please forward the updated CVs to mohammed_asifkhan@yahoo.com and share this mail with your family and friends.
Please Note:
The candidates who are willing to work in Tabuk need to apply.
The candidates who are residing in India can also apply.
Jazak ALLAH khair.
Please Note:
Top 3 Best Countries To Live For Software Engineers :
3. United States
I. Median annual pay for software engineer – $76000
II. Position in the world ranking of “Happiness Index” - 16
III. Position in the ranking of “Best for workers: Countries” – 7
2. Norway
I. Median annual pay for software engineer – $81400
II. Position in the world ranking of “Happiness Index” - 3
III.Position in the ranking of “Best for workers: Countries” – 6
1. Switzerland
I. Median annual pay for software engineer – $104200
II. Position in the world ranking of “Happiness Index” - 6
III.Position in the ranking of “Best for workers: Countries” – 24
Source: IT Flow
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FREE SMS Job Alerts – PSU, State/Central Government Jobs: To avail facility of Employment News/Rozgar Samachar, e-version and FREE SMS Service. www.employmentnews.gov.in
Enjoy absolute FREE URDU e-paper on www.rojgarsamachar.gov.in
Jobs links
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Dear All,
There is a vacancy available for a Network Security Engineer in a reputed company in Saudi Arabia
Please forward the updated CVs to mohammed_asifkhan@yahoo.com and share this mail with your family and friends.
Please Note:
The candidates who are willing to work in Tabuk need to apply.
The candidates residing in India can also apply.
Jazak ALLAH khair.
Top 3 Best Countries To Live For Software Engineers :
Have you ever wonder which country is the best to live for IT engineers?
1. We chose the top 3 countries in the list of “highest median earnings of software engineers” (Data source: Indeed.com)
2. We compared the cost of living in these countries (Data source: Eardex)
3. We used the “Happiness index” (Source: happyplanetindex )
Below we present a list of Top 3 best countries to live for software engineers.
I. Median annual pay for software engineer – $76000
II. Position in the world ranking of “Happiness Index” - 16
III. Position in the ranking of “Best for workers: Countries” – 7
2. Norway
I. Median annual pay for software engineer – $81400
II. Position in the world ranking of “Happiness Index” - 3
III.Position in the ranking of “Best for workers: Countries” – 6
1. Switzerland
I. Median annual pay for software engineer – $104200
II. Position in the world ranking of “Happiness Index” - 6
III.Position in the ranking of “Best for workers: Countries” – 24
Source: IT Flow
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02) Weekly Blog for IT/Non IT / Govt and
Overseas Jobs
Weekly Blog for IT/Non IT / Govt and Overseas Jobs
04) Jobs around the world.www.jobupdatesfortheweek.
FREE SMS Job Alerts – PSU, State/Central Government Jobs: To avail facility of Employment News/Rozgar Samachar, e-version and FREE SMS Service. www.employmentnews.
Enjoy absolute FREE URDU e-paper on www.rojgarsamachar.gov.in
Lastly, whenever hope
does seem at its bleakest, remember Allah's sure promise:
Fa inna ma'al usri
yusra, Inna ma'al 'usri yusra - For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. [Qur'an: Chapter 94, Verse 5-6]
So let's take whatever
action we can with sincerity, humility and hope -- no matter how insignificant
it may seem and may Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) bless us to see the light of
victory very very soon insha ALLAH.
Important Notification:
1. I am not a part of any HR team of any company so don’t send resume to me. I would delete them right away!!!
2. Kindly contact the HR or the contact mail id provided of the respective company that has vacancies.
3. Most importantly share the khair, forward this email with all your contacts who are in need only, Share the Khair!
Allah ki Azeem Ne'mat Paani aur Darakht ko zaya na Karo.
May Allah subh'an wa Ta'ala reward you in this world and hereafter!! Ameen
Important Notification:
1. I am not a part of any HR team of any company so don’t send resume to me. I would delete them right away!!!
2. Kindly contact the HR or the contact mail id provided of the respective company that has vacancies.
3. Most importantly share the khair, forward this email with all your contacts who are in need only, Share the Khair!
Allah ki Azeem Ne'mat Paani aur Darakht ko zaya na Karo.
May Allah subh'an wa Ta'ala reward you in this world and hereafter!! Ameen
Jazakallah Khair,
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Stay productive!.
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