Date: Mon, May 27, 2013 at 11:22 PM
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Date: Mon, May 27, 2013 at 11:22 PM
Arshad Hussain
SABIC Mega recruitment campaign in INDIA from 25 May to 01, June 2013 - INTERVIEW VENUES sh
As received , please circulate and utilize the chance Dear All, Greetings from JAL International!
This has reference to the upcoming Mega Recruitment Campaign in INDIA together with our client "SABIC" and we are forwarding to your end the respective interview locations as shown below. Please find below the Interview Venues for your further action.
Day-00 | 24th May | FRIDAY | TRAVEL FROM DAMMAM TO MUMBAI | ||||||
Day-01 | 25th May | SATURDAY | MUMBAI | MUMBAI | INTERVIEW | Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel,2&3B Chinmayanand Ashram, Powai, Mumbai 400087 | 8:30 A.M | 6:30 P.M | |
Day-02 | 26th May | SUNDAY | MUMBAI | MUMBAI | INTERVIEW | 8:30 A.M | 6:30 P.M | | |
Day-03 | 27th May | MONDAY | TRAVEL | BARODA | TRAVEL | MUMBAI - BARODA | |||
Day-04 | 28th May | TUESDAY | BARODA | BARODA | INTERVIEW | Welcome Vadodara Hotel, R.C.Dutt Road Baroda-(Gujrat), Vadodara, India | 8:30 A.M | 6:30 P.M | |
Day-05 | 29th May | WEDNESDAY | BARODA | BARODA | INTERVIEW | 8:30 A.M | 6:30 P.M | | |
Day-07 | 31th May | FRIDAY | CHENNAI | CHENNAI | INTERVIEW | Radisson Blu Hotel ,Chennai City Centre No 2 Ethiraj Salai, C-In-C Road, Egmore,Chennai 600 008,India Tel - 044 3040 4444 | 8:30 A.M | 6:30 P.M | |
Day-08 | 1st June | SATURDAY | CHENNAI | CHENNAI | INTERVIEW | 8:30 A.M | 6:30 P.M | | |
Day-09 | 2nd June | SUNDAY | CHENNAI | CHENNAI | FINALIZATION | Radisson Blu Hotel ,Chennai City Centre No 2 Ethiraj Salai, C-In-C Road, Egmore,Chennai 600 008,India Tel - 044 3040 4444 | This is for finalization only. There is no interview activity on this day. | ||
Please find attached total requirement with Job description of SABIC Mega recruitment campaign May - June, 2013.
You are requested to send us the interested candidate resume with the location they will available for interview and applied post ..
· Each candidate must bring the following documents during the interview.
1. Updated C.V
2. Qualification Certificate copy with original for verification purpose.
3. Experience certificate
4. Original passport with copy
5. 4 Number recent photographs Have a Great Day
Thanks & Regards Suhel Shaikh Recruitment Coordinator Contact: 033412121 -320 Email :

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