Friday, March 22, 2013

Instrument and Control Discipline Opportunities in Abu Dhabi - Interviews in Mumbai, India

From: Wasim Ahmed
Date: Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 10:22 PM

pls apply soon

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Owen Kelly <>
To: Owen Kelly <>
Sent: Wednesday, 20 March 2013 8:08 PM
Subject: Instrument and Control Discipline Opportunities in Abu Dhabi - Interviews in Mumbai, India April 2013

Good Afternoon,
TS International is currently recruiting for a number of Instrument and Control Engineering Professionals (Technician, Supervisor, Engineer, Senior Engineer) to work in Abu Dhabi on a long term basis, working with one of the largest Oil & Gas companies in the world.
The client is part of the government-owned Abu Dhabi National Oil Company ( , one of the world’s leading companies by oil reserves.
Positions are long-term (10 years +), offer a fantastic range of benefits as you would expect from the government of Abu Dhabi and also offer excellent scope for career development
Representatives of the client will now be visiting Mumbai in April 2013 to conduct face-to-face interviews* for shortlisted candidates.
We are looking to invite candidates with relevant oil / gas processing / petrochemical industry experience.
(* Client will pay for air fares for shortlisted candidates, where extensive travel is required)
The salary range will be as follows
·        Instrument and Control Technician - USD $3000 - $3700 per month TAX FREE
·        Instrument and Control Supervisor - USD $4700 - $5300 per month TAX FREE
·        Instrument and Control Engineer - USD $5800 - $6500 per month TAX FREE
·        Senior Instrument and Control Engineer - USD $6600 - $7200 per month TAX FREE
As mentioned these positions are long term and challenging.  They offer residential single or family status.  No Rotation.
The client will provide schooling for up to 5 children from 5-18, accommodation (single or family), Visas, Medical Insurance, 35 + days annual leave entitlement (plus public holidays), transport allowance, furniture allowance etc for single or family status.
Annual bonus of up to 1.5 times your monthly salary is also offered.
Positions are site-based, you should ideally have strong experience within operations / maintenance of a Gas Processing Plant or similar Downstream / Refinery environment.
If interested in the above role you please forward me a copy of your most recent up to date CV (Word.doc format) in which I will forward to my client for review and will revert back to you once I have feedback and also please let me know the following:
  • Availability / Notice period ?
  • Nationality ?
  • Full date of birth ?
  • Highest level of education?
  • Total Experience ?
  • Current Rate/Salary (USD) ?
  • Salary expectations ?
  • Current location ?
  • Available to interview in Mumbai between 19th to 22nd April ?
  • Preferred position – Instrument and Control Technician, Instrument and Control Supervisor, Instrument and Control Engineer, Senior Instrument and Control Engineer ?
I look forward to your response.
** Your details have been returned from a key–word search of our database and various oil & gas job boards. Please accept our apologies if this opportunity does not completely match with your skills and experience.**
Owen Kelly
TS International
Principal Consultant
Direct line:  0044 (0)1277 264 534
TS International
Jubilee House
The Drive, Great Warley
Brentwood, CM13 3FR, UK
Fax 0044 (0)1277 725 001

View Owen Kelly's profile on LinkedIn
India Office
Citi Centre.
Level 6, Chennai Citi Centre.
10/11, Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai,
Chennai - 600 004.
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except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of the
TS International group of companies.
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Best Regards,
QA/QC ENGINEER (Electrical & Instrumentation),

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