Date: Mon, May 24, 2010 at 8:20 AM
SSE / Analyst / Designerrequired by CMM5-NIIT Technologies ;Also similar
openings with IT Global GiantAcross India
Note 1 :-Pls. send CV & replyonly on these (, , ) e-mail id's.
Note 2 : Pls keep the subjectmatter intact
* Are you open for NIITTechnologies for Bangalore (Y / N ) :
* Are you open for IT GiantAcross India ( Y / N ) ( Pls specify location too ) :
* Have you faced any ofthese in the last three months,if yes , Pls specify the outcome (
Y / N ) :
* Your full name ( First :Middle : Last ) ( All expanded ) :
* Present Designation :
* Relocation preferences: ifany :
* Present Salary :
* Expected Salary :
* Total IT Exp. in years andmonths :
* Total Non IT Exp. in yearsand months :
* Total Experience in CoreJava in year(s) & month(s):
* Total Experience inAdvance Java in year(s) & month(s):
* Total Exp. in JSF in yrsand months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in XML in yrsand months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in Struts inyrs and months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in Hibernate inyrs and months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in Spring inyrs and months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in Swing in yrsand months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in EJB in yrsand months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in JMS in yrsand months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in JSP in yrsand months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in JUNIT in yrsand months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in JBOSS in yrsand months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in TOMCAT inyrs and months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in Weblogic inyrs and months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in Websphere inyrs and months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in Oracle inyrs and months (Pls specify) :
* Total Exp. in any otherapplication server / Web Servers in yrs and months (Pls
specify) :
* Experience in any otherprimary technologies ( Pls Specify ) in months & year(s):
* Your Current contactnumbers :
* Your two alternate e-mailid's :
* Academic Background withScore , College , University & year of Passing ( Xth
onwards) ( Mandatory foruploading on portals ) :
* Graduation / PG is regularFull-time / Correspondence , pls. specify :
* Any education gap afterXth onwards till Yr highest qualification ( If yes , pls specify ) :
* Your Designation :
* Your DOB ( DD / MM / YY ) :
* Time required to join ifselected & Notice Period :
* Passport Status ( Y /N ) :
* Two professionalreferences (who are working JAVA-J2EE SE / SSE /Analyst /
Designer itself ) with theirfield , e-mail id's,phone ( R & off ) & their present employers
name :
If interested send me yourupdated CV and also do not forget to fill up the above
mentioned details (Mandatory)as we require these details to further process your CV,
PS: Please forward this e-mail to your colleagues or friends who might be interested in
this opening.......
With Regards,
Ashok Sachan
Best InfoSystems Ltd.
E-mail : ,,
SSE / Analyst / Designer
openings with IT Global Giant
Note 1 :-Pls. send CV & reply,it@
Note 2 : Pls keep the subject
* Are you open for NIIT
* Are you open for IT Giant
* Have you faced any of
Y / N ) :
* Your full name ( First :
* Present Designation :
* Relocation preferences: if
* Present Salary :
* Expected Salary :
* Total IT Exp. in years and
* Total Non IT Exp. in years
* Total Experience in Core
* Total Experience in
* Total Exp. in JSF in yrs
* Total Exp. in XML in yrs
* Total Exp. in Struts in
* Total Exp. in Hibernate in
* Total Exp. in Spring in
* Total Exp. in Swing in yrs
* Total Exp. in EJB in yrs
* Total Exp. in JMS in yrs
* Total Exp. in JSP in yrs
* Total Exp. in JUNIT in yrs
* Total Exp. in JBOSS in yrs
* Total Exp. in TOMCAT in
* Total Exp. in Weblogic in
* Total Exp. in Websphere in
* Total Exp. in Oracle in
* Total Exp. in any other
specify) :
* Experience in any other
* Your Current contact
* Your two alternate e-mail
* Academic Background with
onwards) ( Mandatory for
* Graduation / PG is regular
* Any education gap after
* Your Designation :
* Your DOB ( DD / MM / YY ) :
* Time required to join if
* Passport Status ( Y /N ) :
* Two professional
Designer itself ) with their
name :
If interested send me your
mentioned details (Mandatory)
PS: Please forward this e-
this opening.......
With Regards,
Ashok Sachan
Best InfoSystems Ltd.
E-mail : cv@bestinfosystems.
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